Game Community
Vltra Mayhem
3 Members

Comments (5)

What do you think?

just played through the demo and i have to say that it's pretty good!) it's an interesting RPG with an unusual, but captivating beginning, great humour, tough, but fair battles!) one of the game's main features, the ability to choose from three possible main characters is awesome and reminds me of games like Sonic Adventure that allowed you to watch the story unfold from different perspectives - all in all, awesome!) the custom sprites look pretty cool, too - especially the battlers, although, they don't fit that much with the default RPG Maker assets, but, oh well! and the side quest with the meteor guy joining your part in exchange for some lost stuff is pretty cool - a very rewarding side mission that encourages the players to explore, and there's a lot of things to explore since most of the demo's locations are pretty expansive - i just wish there was more stuff like chests or unique encounters to spice up the gameplay)

but, there are some problems with the demo, too - firstly, the grammar and spelling. the errors aren't fatal and you can still clearly understand what each character means to say but still, going through the game's dialogues (especially in the beginning as that's where most of the errors are) and cleaning them up from all of the misspellings would make the game even better) next, when talking to the king it would've been great if instead of refusing his offer to give Jelani some armor the player had a choice on whether or not to accept the king's gift - the game IS an RPG, after all! then, its pretty weird that when you open the jar Hunter's portrait doesn't match the one he has in the status screen - he looks like some decrepit skeleton in the cutscene... and, finally, the chest in the underwater area is bugged so that you can receive infinite money from it. none of those bugs or problems make the overall demo bad, but if they were adressed in some way or outright fixed that would be awesome and, once again, could make the game even better as a result!)

all in all, the demo for Pandamonium (or is it Pandemonium?) was great - it gave off a good first impression, showed some cool custom sprites, a great deal of humour and fun locations to explore - while, yes, there are some bugs and problems here and there they're easy to fix and don't make the overall experience bad. Artistic-Chaos, i wish you and all of the guys that helped you with the demo best of luck, nerves of steel and lots of inspiration while continuing with the game's development!) take care!

I'm intruding the comments

Vltra Mayhem is a story taking place somewhere in the 1990s, Strange sightings have apeared around the world but mostly on a specific island, an island already strange enough, Kathario an island where the living dead and the ones beyond living live togheter. On this island lives a boy and his name is Chaos! Our creative and charismatic protaginst who disapeared and reapeared outof seemingly nowhere a couple years ago, He wants to leurn more about these sightings he has seen on the news and make totally normal friends along the way! Guide Chaos on a journey of self descovery and turmoil as he tries his best not to notice the voices, dont aknowledge the voices dont listen to

Join our discord for daily updates!

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#horror #rpg #strategy #puzzle #scifi #action #adventure #other

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans

But im here to tell you all im re-doing a HUGE part of Pandamonium the story will be better sprites will be fixed and mostly a better, fun and more "Logical" playthrough so yeah be prepared for that! also join discord:

The current update log thingy!

I DID IT! i finally managed to get a sideview battlesystem afcourse it would mean that i have to remake the sprites again but its fine! its allll worth it!

All the custom enemies for my RPG game! I've been really busy lately so sorry for the updates but you can join my discord for daily updates!

Chapter 1 when? today? maybe

New charecter sprite



Howdy! Want to support me and my game? Then follow me on Kofi! Anything helps whether it’s motivation or a small tip! also here’s a spider that might get into the game
Pandamoniums official discord with daily game updates and even little teasers and just me showing what im going through when making this damn game you should come its fun and everyones very kind!


Memorys.... and pain...