
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Hey @LoLbItZ7891_83 is innocent and was just upset over losing his wisdom tooth. That does not mean hes a bad influence! He actually is creative at ideas and he is valuable person for caring for every aspect of the game!

Cool development!

I got another fan but this one is very loud. I turned it on during a rainy night close to 0:00. And this will be the office ambience.

Many Thanks to all of you for providing all the help for this game to be possible!


"Argh what a headache, I should stop that mid-life crisis of mine, I should take a day off-"
"Hey... this isn't my study this is a-"

[Department you presume?]

"Who are you and what is all this?"

[I see your being reluctant to be a wise reluctant follower]

"This is madness, wheres the exit? I have to-"

[enough with your naive comments, its just you and the echoes of the past, awaiting to be freed...]

"What do you mean? Is this a nightmare? This is weird"

[You see follower, the souls of the ascending are locked into these demons, they are an outcast, just like you and me...]

[We will stop this once and for all]

"I agree with you, I feel rejected to society, but you have to understand that this is not how things work. Please show yourself and we will get along"

(You gained 1 demise)

[No not yet, not until I unleash my demons. My creations are awaiting for further notice, do survive until 6:am and you will see the light of day again, but with unforeseen consequences]

(Sounds of roars from animatronics in background)

(power runs out)

"To survive in this purgatory until 6:am?! What a son of a %$#quot;

Phase 1 begins

tasks: find the generator, unleash his demons

"I should turn on the generator, as a journalist and a photographer, I find this place good for horror shots and stories"

(the player gets the generator located in a room. You start from a messy study filled with articles and journals, then you find a lobby, theres a unactivated animatronic. It is in a glass case with an article on a stand. The animatronic is for some reason covered in blood and its eyes are removed. There are symbols scattered across its body.)

(Theres another glass case with nothing in it. Because you dumb bell. The glass is broken so the animatronic ran out. Theres also a hall of fame with pictures of people related to the lore of fnaf.) The rest is up to you.

Then you find a door reading out [MY EMPLOYERS ONLY]

"Huh, this place is deserted" "I wonder if anyone even works here" "my last job, a complete failure. Lost 30 hours of my life in that hell hole".

(you go into the room and find a window showing what seems to be a animatronic thats off. It seems to be a prototype with lots of dents and scratches on its body. Its eyes stare into your soul. Despite you being dead inside.)

(on the very right theres a vent and above the vent theres a generator. You turn the switch on and turn around.)

[unknown animatronic attacks]


Also the animatronics can be anything, but I prefer the one with symbols and blood to be fredbear, and the one who broke out to be the puppet that has no body, explained in a fireside once. And the one in the generator room/control room is going to be an easter egg to last retar.

Last retar is a lupine bipedal animatronic in the form of a metal wolf, it is covered in what seems to be blood and it has no apparel given. It is from a fan game universe from the game CASE: Animatronics.

This is an idea for a demo and the graphics are pure gore. Enough gore to look like the imagery teasers I provided to the game teasers.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

The Wolf

The now ascending monsters are roaming down the halls, they emerge from the darkness. They emerge into your thoughts. You have limited power. Dawn is coming. #fnaf #fangame #survival


"Echoes of the past ascend into this purgatory"

"It has been a long time since our last visit from you"

"Will you survive the horrid nights?"

"Or will you see some, rather to be in unforeseen consequences?" #fnaf #horror #pointnclick



What is in store for Reluctant followers?

  • Full Free Roam!

  • New mechanics and strategies !

  • Lots of gore!

  • Advanced atmosphere!

  • Nice artwork!

  • New back stories

  • Life action imagery in some portions


Finally we are sure we will make a Demon from you! Follow our game to be updated to when this games out!

You will know what happens if you don't...




We will have multiple themes for this game, and you transverse from each theme!

So be sure to make this happen by Clicking the Follow button before the button jams!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

"He Will Look After You After You Crawl Out Of This Dystopia..."





"The General is about to shut down the project, you better hope this one turns out better than the others, I am taking a big risk by backing you up there."


This place is quiet ever since everyone stopped development!

So merry christmas The golden Days!

What if this game have an endless runner mode? (read article)

@LoLbItz7891_83 has done this! The reason I post using his account is so that everyone is notified sooner! These ideas are concepts to be used in the far future of this game!