
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Well I'm excited!

Is the position for programmers still open?


A Devil's Playground is an project under development that will be heavily inspired by "found-footage" and documentary style indie films. With punishing but fair game-play, thought provoking puzzles, and a unique delivery of narrative, this game promises a special horror-adventure experience while still feeling reminiscent to old school horror titles.

The basic concept of the story revolves around a young content creator recording footage for his "Exploration" web-series. He and a friend find an old abandoned house and decide this would be a perfect place to film. As they explore, the come across an old bunker within the building. Thinking this would make great footage, your character decides to climb down and look around, when as he makes his way into the depths, the ladder breaks and leaves him trapped in said bunker.

As he looks for a way out of this bunker, he faces unnatural, deformed creatures with an inhuman obsession with malevolent and violent behavior aimed towards any human or animal who may be unfortunate enough to cross paths with them and an old government project that had been covered up, for the world to never of the inhumane and disturbing experiments performed in this underground hell leading to it's abandonment decades before.


The game-play will focus heavily on exploration, cryptic puzzle solving, inventory management, and "stealth vs. combat" situations as well as elements of physics-based puzzles, escape-room style situations, and a "choose your path" direction of the map, with backtracking and environmental awareness being rewarding. Other main aspects include unique enemy variation and difficult, risky combat.


#horror #puzzle #adventure #action


PC, Mac, and Linux

Currently, there is no playable version of the game, though a decent portion of the game's features and assets are done. I will be posting as much as possible with updates, news, and a release date for a demo or early access form of build for those interested when the time comes.


Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Strong Language

Storyboard work has started! Finishing up our current scene's design, as well.

More updates coming soon. In the meantime, here's a little screenshot of the development of the environment and what players can expect the bunker to look like.

Here's a better look at the concept art. It's of one of the planned enemies of the game that will creep through the darkness of the bunkers corridors.

Oh, one more thing. I will also post another game-play video to demonstrate some of the simple features of the project and what's implemented so far. Have a good night, everyone!

Couldn't wait, so I figured I'd drop a simple picture of the concept before I scan it tomorrow. It's all hand-drawn and free-handed, taking most of the day. I'll have a better resolution scan of it up tomorrow.