
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Got style!
Looks awesome

Hopefully the whole hacker situation will get resolved, seems like it has been a problem for a while. Though tbh I wouldn't have found this game otherwise if it weren't for that XD

gotta love how i found this game through a hacker on discord, anyways i played the demo, very cool game honestly

your game is being used in a discord scam to distribute malware, here's the website link in case you can do anything about it. already reported to Google and don't download the file.


Carnage in Space: Crucible (EARLY ACCESS)

Version: 2.1.12 months ago

2020 Halftime Demo

Version: 0.2.1over 4 years ago
Free demo! An old build of the game with the first 4 levels.

When the remote colony of Dunest is in danger of eradication, three heroes answer the call...

There may be enemies behind every corner, and utmost peril at every turn, but together you can overcome any obstacle...

...As long as you can survive each other.


Dive into the lawless world of Carnage in Space, from the unique viewpoint of one of three very different heroes! Together, it's all they can do to keep the peace while staying one step ahead of countless factions that are all after their collective heads! Use your unique skills with a variety of colorful weapons to adjust your strategy and take on a world full of hostile forces and other unknown dangers. But beware - the greatest threats don't always come from outside.

Carnage in Space: CRUCIBLE is a fast-paced, challenging, endlessly customizable action platformer, and the sequel to Carnage in Space: Ignition.


  • Multiple playable heroes with vastly different techniques and special abilities!

  • Tons of unique weapons and upgrades to collect and experiment with!

  • A branching story with multiple endings!

  • Endless* combinations of characters and items to suit any play style!

  • Loads of side content and additional story content!

  • Classic SNES-style pixel art to get your retro gaming fix!

  • Far more than your recommended daily dose of sarcasm**!


If this sounds like the game for you, then be sure to smash that Follow button to be the first to hear how the game is progressing, and to get the first shot at new demos!

If you want to learn more about Carnage in Space or try it out now (and you know you do***), don't forget to check out the first game as well.

  • *Not actually endless

  • **Your sarcasm tolerance may vary

  • ***MM//Productions is not legally responsible if you do not actually want to check out MM//Productions media. Some restrictions may apply.

#action #platformer #scifi #retro

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Mild Language

Hey players! If I seem quiet lately, it's only because I've been hard at work at super-spoilery late game content!

In the meantime, here's a nice, pensive, context-free screenshot to take the edge off. Enjoy!

That's kill-stealing, you jerks! Leave some for me!

Looks like Nightmare's learned a new technique. Does anything really stand a chance against it?

Nice day for a walk...

Hey, wait a minute! That's just the title screen! What a rip-off!

(Development on Chapter 6 has begun)

All right, time to show off Tuhrahkkkii in action! As promised, he is an offensive powerhouse and will make short work of most enemies.

- Fury Clawblades: Fast swords with a charged beam

- Laser Vision: Pierces shields

- Flame Breath: Sets enemies on fire

At long last, someone has given this guy a weapon. It looks like he knows how to use it, too.

Tuhrahkkii just got a sweet new redesign! He now sports a cleaner, shinier look, and his missing jump and climb animations have been added.

Just look at this guy move. I just need to give him his weapons and he'll be tons of fun to play as.

Oh right, I compose music too! I've uploaded another new song called "Death and Glory" to the game's page. This plays in the Arena, as you might imagine.

I can't embed it in a post, but you listen to it (and my other songs) here:

Aww, Nightmare made some cute little pillbug friends!

And by friends I mean enemies.

And by pillbug I mean suicide bomber.

And by cute I mean horrific.

Keep an eye out for these guys - in large numbers they will give you a bad day very quickly.

A sneak peak at what I'm working on next: The ARENA!

Here you will face waves of enemies while the room reshapes itself to suit them, and inconvenience you.

Looking for the toughest combat in the game? You'll find it here (not in this GIF though).