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Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Personal Knowledge


Strange things and weird freaks start showing their faces on small cities from sierra, and the cops find their way to stop violence with more violence. From animal mutations, chimeras and aliens to yokai, demons and spirits, be the greatest freak hunter of all!

• Turn based RPG

• Multiplayer compatible

• 12 Chapters full of adventures

• Many freaks to hunt and find

â—‡ HISTORY â—‡

Peace in the inner cities began to be shaken when anomalies of all kinds began to appear in the forests: mysterious disappearances and horrendous murders for reasons unknown to everyone. Until the local police decide to take action and mercenaries are hired to hunt for these anomalies, but it seems that this only brought more insecurity to the population: crime increased thanks to the mercenaries and the anomalies are now understood as a conspiracy.

After all, investigations are beginning to unravel the great mystery of anomalies, after all, what are they? Aliens? Devils? Chimeras? Nobody knows for sure, and the more the police investigate the more people are suspicious of her, but the mercenaries start finding answers in alchemy and occultism.


The source code for the game is available for everyone to contribute and share, if you want to contribute for the game project you can send me a friend request or send your commit in my GitHub repository:

#indie #rpg #roguelike #adventure #alchemy #misticism #mistery #colorful #funny #brpg #openworld #pixelart #ost #story #guns #magic #multiplayer #story #opensouce #action #adventure

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Have been missingin the last months for vacations, but I still keep coding in my cellphone lol

- title screen displays more information

- inventory display information about money, ammo etc.

- different types of ammo for each caliber and alchemy metals (gold, silver, tin, copper, lead, iron and mercury )

- each weapon have his own ammo bar

Working again with the game!

I've been out for a while, but many updates where done:

- GUI is way more articulated

- Updated weapons, money and vehicles systems

- Save files now save the inventory items

- Texts are all in common fonts

- Fixed glitches

Update: now the game fonts aren't pixelated, only the images

but now I need to find a good font, I think calibri don't fit

It's been very messy trying to use GitHub desktop, I almost deleted everything from the game