Immortal Sins
7 years ago

A new bug tracker

Hey everyone. I’d like to talk about something I was thinking and working on for a few days.

If anybody recalls, the game had a link to two Google Forms. One for feedback and one for bug reporting. Although it works, it has it’s issues. For one thing, I cannot contact the reporter when I need more info about it. There were times I needed additional information to find what was causing the bug, but since there wasn’t any contact info. But if I made it as a requirement, I’d receive less bug reports, since most of you (I think) don’t want to share any way of contact (I believe that’s for a good reason). In addition, I’d like to have a way to show if a bug was addressed at all, but the forms don’t provide a way for this (as far as I can recall). Most of them were addressed, but it would be handy to know if the same bug was still present. So, a new feedback system was needed. And thus, the new bug tracker was born.

The new bug tracker is hosted on the web, so it can be accessed by anyone, by simply visiting the website. The built-in comments section makes it easier for anyone to contact me, without any privacy issues (up until a point. I’ll get to that a bit later). Plus, there’s a built-in changelog and roadmap, to see when the bug is addressed. Oh, and the bug tracking software is open source as well, so if you have any concerns with it, you can take a look at it’s source code here:

There is an issue however. Since it’s hosted on a free web hosting service, I cannot get an SSL certificate, which will not allow the use of HTTPS (which encrypts any traffic passed into the server). It’s an issue because I can’t make sure that any personal info is stored safely on it. As a workaround, you can report bugs anonymously (so you don’t have to make an account) until I can make sure that I can store info securely. I do hope that this won’t be abused. I’ll still maintain the current feedback system until all issues with the new one are addressed.

You can take a look at the server here:



Next up

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

Implementing Armor Corrosion. This put quite a dent in the target's armor for a short time.

It's pretty early, but here's a look at a mob manager, handling the enemies in the game. The code streamlines the programming of the enemies. Hopefully, I can expand it to more useful ways.

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.

Jump List returns in the next update.

Added achievements. Because why not?

Done some improvements to the backup system. Even added an icon to let you know that it's working.

Added the option to rebuild the cache. This will clear the cache and then decompress the files from the packages.

It's a bit early, but I have something cooking. Keep an eye out.

Enjoy a nice dish, get a nice buff. What's not to like?