Basic Pascal

4 days ago

Basic Pascal Version 1.15 – plan Penguin is done!

It is a celebration event. New version pack with computer games Basic Pascal! Whole three new games it has!

25 June 2024 it was an event.


It was released a new version of pack with computers games, which are mainly written with Basic.

I write now with QB64. It is a modern version of programming language QBasic. Everything works with modern systems. For example, Windows 10, 11.


In a new version Basic Pascal there are three new games. And plan has a title Penguin, because of first game - it was about a penguin. As idea, they are new games, which start to appear in 2024.

Whole three new games. And start of development by this plan it was in middle of the summer. And they are a good and kind games. Bright colors. And even summer and a country house. Garden and grass. Penguin. Colorful little squares. Looks like, it is goes, that code name for this version – it is Penguin!


So, everything so positive. That it is a celebration event. A new release, new version released! Looks like, it goes, that now I am program with QB64. It is like Basic. A short description for each new game.



Penguin in a village of smiles

It is good and kind game. Black and white. Retro. Simple walking game. You are - penguin. And you walk the little house. It has three floors. And you need to climb with ladder up. And collect useful items. Snow, carrot. And avoid smiles. They are walking here and there.

Smiles are busy with final preparations in their new village. And they are very busy. That’s why they do not pay attention to you. And, later, it will be a celebration! A new village of smiles will be opened!

Game is simple. And with positive good and kind storyline.




It is a simple game with colors. All game field is colorful. You are playing as a little square. And you need to paint all the game field with your color. Whole 14 colors at your choice. And game is very colorful. Computer player also makes a moves and set at the game field his little squares with very different colors. And you need to repaint game field with your color.

And, computer has his limits of turns. Thats why game, again, it is a simple game. And you can do it. For example, according to game mode and level, computer 20 times sets different colors at the game field and - that’s all. And, you, in result, anyway, you will repaint game field. So, it is more interesting this way!

Welcome to a colorful and bright world! World of little squares and different colors!




You are playing as a good and kind little snake. It is little grass snake. Little and good and kind snake. You are crawling in a garden. Every level – it is a garden. And game has lots of episodes, which has a name park. You are crawling there. In a garden. And it is a summer there. Game has a summer theme. You are just crawling there and collecting strawberries. And you need to avoid trees. They are at some random places at the levels. It is obstacles. And everywhere it is everything green. Lots of flowers. Lots of green plants. Flowers with very different colors.

This game use a pallet with 256 colors! So, it is everything - is very bright and beautiful! Idea of the game - it is summer feeling. Sunny mood. Country house, garden. Flowers and grass.

And you are just crawling as a little snake and collect strawberries. And have a positive things, have fun, joy!




And, already, right now, new development is in process. And new things, appear in a new version of Basic Pascal. Plan of release, is that – I will upload new games, as a several games at once. Not one game. And, for example, at once three new games. As a new version of Basic Pascal pack. And these new games will be there, already included.

In a version 1.15 for example – it is new three games. Penguin in a village of smiles, Koloratura, Uzhik. And this is celebration event! Have a great summer day!


Basic Pascal pack - whole pack of games and programes, written with basic and pascal. It is retro.

With each game and program there is a page at author`s website. There are aditional information, descriptions, pictures, arts.

Basic Pascal:




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