Immortal Sins
9 years ago

Bi-Weekly Update #25

Hello again! Time for an update!

Overhauls Part 2:

Overhauls continue as the Disc 1 update is getting close, but there are a few issues to iron out (with what I can do). One big issue is with the party system. In the game, you have the option to switch party members on the fly during combat. Unfortunately, due to issues caused by the newer battle engine, the UI on the party system is a bit broken. I am re-working some under the hood stuff so it works like this:

  1. If the player has some phoenix feathers, give the option to either revive them or switch them out from the party.

2.If not, open the party menu and allow the player to switch out the party members who died.

It is a little messy, but hopefully I get it working right (or fix up the UI somehow).

On the possitive side, I have done some graphical updates on some areas, perticularly in areas like this:


I have another overhaul done, but I’m keeping it secret for now…

Northbridge gets Sync! (OneDrive only for now)

I have mentioned it on the last post, and this was in my list for a long time. I am working on adding the option to sync your save files between computers using your cloud storage. Currently, it supports OneDrive, but I’ll add more services later on (Dropbox is next up).

I haven’t done much on this, since I had trouble setting up the authentication system, but I’ve almost figured it out. Here’s a preview:


NOTE:This is opt in.
Syncronisation works a lot diffrent than the backup system. Sync keeps both folders in sync (both files have the same info) while the backup system keeps multiple copies of the save files, in case something happens. I don’t know when it will be availiable. It may be availiable after the next major update.

(A minor side-note, I am also doing some improvements on the backup system, to avoid unnecessary writes).

That is all for now. See you in the next post.



Next up

Enjoy a nice dish, get a nice buff. What's not to like?

It's still pretty early work, but I am working on making the UI more dynamic and sleek. Including faces changing depending on their HP.

It's pretty early, but here's a look at a mob manager, handling the enemies in the game. The code streamlines the programming of the enemies. Hopefully, I can expand it to more useful ways.

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.

Done some improvements to the backup system. Even added an icon to let you know that it's working.

The new package manager UI in action. Works regardless if you skipped the launcher or not.

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

While I'm preparing August's Monthly Sync, I'm preparing a Trello board for the game. You can see what I'm working on here. Pardon my dust, while I'm getting this up and running.

Jump List returns in the next update.

Added the option to rebuild the cache. This will clear the cache and then decompress the files from the packages.