Immortal Sins
7 years ago

Bi-Weekly Update #47

Well, this was going to be posted earlier, but personal stuff went in the way. So, time for the classic progress report.

Re-working the element table:

While working on skills, there were some issues with the elemental rock-paper-scissors design, as there were times where it caused some unbalances. To fix it and make the combat a bit more interesting, a new system is in place (starting with version 0.20.3-20170515) which has all elements have two strengths and weaknesses. Here’s the reference:


Alongside this, I have done some tweaks in place as well, as the previous design had issues with it (such as the fights were going too fast, since all characters’ standard attacks had an element attached). The standard attack no longer has an element attached to it (with some exceptions, such as Elena’s attacks have the fire element attached) and the guard granting elemental resistance.

Moving over to RPG Maker MV:

I held for a long time to do this (which I’ll explain a bit later), but I decided to move Immortal Sins over to RPG Maker MV. There are several reasons on why I wanted to do this. Support 64-bit processors (and operating systems), port the game to other platforms, better performance, a more flexible programming language, implementing hotfixes, support HD resolutions and more.

Why I held on for so long? Since VX Ace and MV use completely different programming languages, I need to re-write a good portion of the code, along with finding replacements for the stuff I was using (and in some cases, re-design others). Plus, the saves aren’t compatible between engines as well. At the time of this writing, the entire database and half of the assets were transferred (and converted when needed) without any issues. There’s a long way to get the game working properly on MV, but it will be worth the effort (I hope).

That is all for now. See you in the next post.



Next up

While I'm preparing August's Monthly Sync, I'm preparing a Trello board for the game. You can see what I'm working on here. Pardon my dust, while I'm getting this up and running.

Added achievements. Because why not?

A small teaser for the next update.

It's pretty early, but here's a look at a mob manager, handling the enemies in the game. The code streamlines the programming of the enemies. Hopefully, I can expand it to more useful ways.

Added the option to rebuild the cache. This will clear the cache and then decompress the files from the packages.

It's a bit early, but I have something cooking. Keep an eye out.

The new package manager UI in action. Works regardless if you skipped the launcher or not.

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

Done some improvements to the backup system. Even added an icon to let you know that it's working.

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.