
24 days ago

Decided to do some work on the save/load. Name, Chapter, and even Total Play Time CORRECTLY FORMATTED Will work on the chapter banners later. Free time formatting code below

(Sorry for the poor formatting)

func _process(delta):

your_time_variable += delta

func format_my_time():
var time_elapsed = float(your_time_variable)

var s = int(time_elapsed) % 60

var min = int(time_elapsed) / 60

var m = min % 60

var h = min / 60

if m < 10:

m = str("0" + str(m))

if s < 10:

s = str("0" + str(s))

time.text = str(h) + ":" + str(m) + ":" + str(s).pad_decimals(0)

You could theoretically go up to days and years, just using 24 and 365. That is not necessary for my game, but the pattern remains the same. If you need something really precise, accounting for leap years or leap seconds, then I might recommend using something in the Time singleton



Next up

Today's accomplishments include a rather smooth state machine, a functioning opening cutscene, and name input. It's not pretty, but there aren't any bugs

Lots of modeling the last few days. Got some houses made, remade some of my terrain blocks (rebuilt the harbor), and started on the NPC models. Also worked on the battle system and the follower system, now with 1/10th the code but 10x more efficient

Doing some designing of the main village, mostly so I can get some connections in and get the next part of the opening cutscenes roughed in.

I've reworked a bit the ultimate to add more anticipation. I think it looks much better 😎

What's missing in your opinion?

Behold my beautiful canoe!

The shield now breaks after receiving several hits.

#indiedev #gamedev #pixelart

Battle State Machine is working Player chooses what to do, enemies choose what to do, and they even have variable rates of attack/defend/flee. Next step will be to actually start dealing damage

Ah, yes, Grandpa and Grandma's old farmhouse, with a million rooms, basement full of mason jars, and the old '57 Chevy in the garage

I mean, not my Gramma and Grampa, but someone's, right?

Here's Hyperslice 🔥 An intense arena roguelike where your only weapon is your dash ⚡ 🔹Different ships, unique ultimates 🔹Get upgrades & buy abilities 🔹Fight waves of enemies, hazards & bosses Wishlist on Steam appreciated 👇

Basically just made today a Database day, so here's a screenie of the player talking to the local fisherman