
1 month ago

Behold my beautiful canoe!

I really like the shadow box style, but I am having exponentially fewer problems with this style What started as a frustrated derp might actually turn into something Is there a way I can merge them?

The shadow box appeal is the very plain, very mild aesthetic, mostly black and white but with limited, washed-out colors for simple depth and visual interest. Having the characters as puppets sold it very well, I think.

This style (roughed-out Paper Mario) is bright and fun and charming and mostly nostalgic. The fact that I found a vector animator that I can actually use is definitely a plus, but does nothing to help with the building and programming.

Trying to use the more realistic puppets in the colorful environment is a massive immersion break, and I haven't found a suitable way to attach the strings to the nostalgic characters. The puppets were individual limbs and bones that were created and manipulated in Godot itself, but the nostalgia characters are AnimatedSprite3D made in another program and don't take the strings the same way. As puppets, they just don't look quite right without the strings.

Similarly, having washed out nostalgia characters in a bleak environment is equally as jarring, unless I wanted to try and make everything in Boggly Woods or Castle Bleck style, but those places only worked as well as they did because of the contrast they provided against all the other areas.

I don't know. I'm really liking what I've got going, but then, it's always easy in the beginning



Next up

Today's accomplishments include a rather smooth state machine, a functioning opening cutscene, and name input. It's not pretty, but there aren't any bugs

Battle State Machine is working Player chooses what to do, enemies choose what to do, and they even have variable rates of attack/defend/flee. Next step will be to actually start dealing damage

Art day today. Did a little messing around with the cupboards and some furniture. Got a wine cellar, shower and tub and such. Probably redo appliances, spiff them up a bit Once I get all the major stuff in, then I'll go through and build the levels

NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

🎯 4vs4 online shooter game.

✨ Heroes, abilities & block building.

❤️ Wishlist now:

#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev


Version 1.1.0 is now available for Linux and Windows

-Platform bugs fixed where player fell through the floor

-Area 2 accessible through Level 8

-Minor spiffing up, wax and polish

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

With exception of some minor odds and ends, the home interior sheet is finished, which means I can start on all the levels. The next house (level 9) is an old farmhouse, the kind that had a bazillion rooms

Decided to do some work on the save/load. Name, Chapter, and even Total Play Time CORRECTLY FORMATTED Will work on the chapter banners later. Free time formatting code below

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

Did some more work trying to fix up whatever went wrong and...yeah, let's just cut to the end where it didn't work

Started a new project, made some changes, derped around a little, made this cute little guy