Welcome to Development Log 2
Revive Animation and Mechanic, Challenge Completed

This will be MAJORLY improved for our final build, subject expected to change.
Pre Download before release

2 week before the games early access launches you will be able to download the game early to be ready for the early access.
VR Port Returning?

As of now we don’t think we will add VR to Condemned X. First this game isn’t made for VR so many things that we would add in the flatscreen wouldn’t make it to the VR version and we feel like it would just be best if we keep it flatscreen. But plans could change in the near future.
Collab Event 1 news!

We have spoken to a really amazing dev on collaborating with their upcoming fangame, We plan on announcing that very soon.
What's next?
We plan on showing one more devlog, that will be really crazy cause we might show (Proxy chat, a new vhs show, and the announcement of event 1)