8 months ago

Fünfhundert?! My dearest patrons must be rewarded for this milestone!

I've been thinking of commencing some kind of original project for an achievement such as this one, but my resources are quite limited. What to do?

I do in fact write music, and I am in fact in possesion of a piano, [It kinda sounds like shit, though. Electric pianos smh.] so a song might fall into the realm of possibility, but...

I don't know, if anyone can figure out something, let me know.



Next up

Freeeeee birrrrrrd yeaahh (insert guitar riff here)

Me venting my eternal and insatiable yearning for cuddles to my friends for absolutely no reason be like

Making fun of the blobfish because it looks ugly after being pulled rapidly out from under tons of water pressure would be like making fun of a human for what they look like after being beaten and burned to near death.

Leave my boi alone ):

Face reveal ig? I like how it came out tho :3

My fatass saw a small assortment of chocolates on the counter of my humble abode, immediately scarfed down one without a semblance of a second thought, and read the microscopic label stating it was alcoholic. Whoopsies.

It's my dad's birthday today and my mom hung my drawing on the door! :')

Minor "rebranding" to immortalize my affinity for something I would probably be very thoroughly bullied for liking if I were open about it in person! I love!

Now that the Earth is about to finalize a complete revolution around our solar celestial body, we may fire hazardous explosives into the atmosphere, consume intoxicating substances, and engage in other lackadaisical festivities !!

So... Black Ops II no longer takes place in the future..

Have a joyous second cold war, everyone!