25 days ago

funny magician

Pixel art for today based on videogame Twinkle Tale for game console Sega MegaDrive. It is some 16 bit adventure and action about a young magician.

Young magician in a castle with a skeletons. I never play this, and don’t know. But game looks very interesting, funny, and cute, at first sight.

And this is my drawing about the same theme. Young magician put on his magic little hat. He has a beautiful hat. He like a lot to wear such a hat. He takes in a hand his magic stick. He even has a whole stuff. And even more – with a magic stone that shine. It looks cool, especially in a dark places! And he opened a magic book. And he writes there a last place he was.  And he goes to continue his explore.

This time, on the list, it is a castle to check. And it was left by owners so long long time ago. So long, that nobody remember this! And so, it is massive door before the enter. And it has a big halls inside. And it is some labyrinth! And – wow! Here lives skeletons! Looks like, they do not expect a young magician here!

Looks like, they have a shield and a sword in hands. And looks like they do not want to speak. But, good thing, is that no need to run from a dragon for this time. But it was a last time. Looks like, magician enter the wrong door, you know. And meet face to face with a dragon. And even more – he make things that awake dragon from sleep. Well, this time it will be no such mistake!

Funny game about a funny magician. So, I remember a long time ago I watched anime Slayers. And so, it has everything funny. With jokes. And picture about a game with labyrinth. And little of jokes! So, it is a light fantasy!


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.

WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html

ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/

GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games

BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/



Next up

Quake 2 – a notes from country house kwaker


And I continue to play second Quake. It is a country house time. And, I can say, it is a summer outside. I run with shorts at the streets. And play from time to time in second Quake.


Pixel art for today based on videogame StarTropics for game console NES.  It should to be role playing game. According to game screenshots.

Little friend clown with a bicycle and a chickens

Three dimensional scene for today based on celebration, bicycle, chickens. I was busy for several days. And as guest, to my place, a clown has come.

Redraw 2021-2024

I tried to stay as close to the original as possible, tho I did change a few things

The background in the old version is a crime, I should've been executed.

Uzhik is already crawling and eating strawberry!

Uzhik – it is a small game about, a garden, and it is a small little grass snake is crawling there.

Skyward Sword possibly had my most favorite story, and the most expressive Link has ever been!

Everyday I wish we can get this link back and this type of stories in the LoZ series (ngl I also enjoyed the gameplay)

Mole at the country house

Three dimensional scene for today. Mole at the country house. Mole at the country house, and he is working with his shovel. And he is growing up plants. So, he has, already, all the ground done with seedbeds.

Uzhik – picture of level! In a bright garden!

Uzhik – it is continue to be in development. Now I am doing for Uzhik a decoration visual. I draw a levels. So, now it is, already, there is understanding - how it will look.

I cross-stitch birds, too : )!

Little mouse is doing country house things

Little mouse goes to check his grass. Salad leaves. Cabbage. And little mouse is very busy. He is collecting left from winter – leaves. And he will drink a tea with them.