Strafe Blaster 2
3 years ago

Game is out! Please take a look and have fun.



Next up

Final environment update for the week. Got some billboards in the game and started to add some of the companies to them. Excited to have next week for a few more environmental props then some GUI work. Debating if I'm going to investigate some lighting.

New shot for DIRE. Happy screenshot Saturday.

New screenshot, currently retexturing the first level. Still a bit to go before the level is feeling good.

Worked on some new set dressing / story assets for DIRE. Really refining that second level to get it polished up. Still a few more props and elements to go before I'll be 100% happy.

Slowly working through the environment art for the 3rd level. It's taking a bit longer than I thought.

Starting to work on the intro area for level 3. Still a ways to go in over all level design but needed to get some art going this week. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Some more props for the next level. Next week I will be focusing on mechanics so I might not have a screenshot, enjoy this one!

Finished the wave system and some early weapon fx. Almost ready with enough stuff to start passing out a early demo for some feeback!

Worked through these little dudes as my enemies. Still need to work on gibs and the shot effects but I'm pretty happy with how these turned out. I also messed up my lighting, so I need to fix that. Feels good to be back at it!

New screenshot of the final level!