
9 months ago

Graph of Ufoids 2 – noise in hyper space

It is a second part with pictures about retro sci fi. For videogame Gala.


Pictures were made a long time ago. And, they are made, in retro theme In style of 80s. Game itself – Gala – It is my own vision of retro arcades like Galaga and Galaxian. And here we have a title - Gala for the game.


And this time it is a grid with a noise. Interesting decorative feature. A presence of noise at the screen. Space is huge. It is, like a hyper space. And, there are also aliens in it. 80s.




Next up

Graph of Ufoids

For the videogame Gala, I have made many pictures. In retro resolution. And I say it is a pack of wallpapers. And, saying the truth, it is like everything, that I am doing – it is retro.

Little ants are at their place.

Three dimensional scene for today based on ants. Little ants will do a little more things for today and they will start to have a free time. Excellent summer weather. A lot of mushrooms.

Gala New Year – about development

So, I go back to development of videogame Gala New Year. It is arcade space shooter in space. About space and a New Year. So, New Year here is even more main theme than space.

Under the Desert Sky~

I wanted to remaster, an older piece of mine. How did I do? Tap/swipe to see the piece I created a whole year ago in January of 2023!

Everyone in game! Little animals are having fun!

Pixel art for today based on videogame Dino Land for game console Sega MegaDrive. It is some unusual game. About little animals.

"I get it now."

(Swipe to the right to see the original pixel art!)

: Aseprite (Sequel to the last redraw at my profile/AnubiClub!)

This is my friend! Chicken!

This is my friend! Chicken. And today I will go to his place. He is just running in the grass. He is running along the sawdust. And he is happy about a new sunny day.

Gala – now also in Pdf format!

Hello, friends! Here we have a collection of tales in Pdf format. Pack of tales based on videogame Gala. There are 10 tales with science fiction theme and a fan and a gag themes.

Keep Your Hands Off Digital Circus, but with the characters separate! 🎪 🌟

// #TheAmazingDigitalCircus #Art #Fanart #TADC #Pomni #Ragatha #Jax 🌈💫

Bugs-alienoids can do something!

Fly, fly, fly! This is all that bug-alienoid needs. But I am not a bug or dragonfly to fly all the time. I have a dizzy and light-headed effect after flying training operations.