After my previous pixelart I had a nice conversation with a legendary @Lonrado (aka. @LonradoBR) about the creation of the pixel characters' animation that has a sprite for every of the eight direction. As a cute example he gives me an animation of the main character in Mother/Earthbound game series called Ness.

So, a few days later (like, today) I decide to start to work on my own 8-direction animation, and as a first step I choose to decompose Ness' animation to understand how every sprite would look like...and it turned out that the original animation lucked some sprites.

Using #PaintNet I've redacted every sprite (that's why animation looks more pixelated, I guess), added most sprites it lacked and redrew the main/front one to have the back one.

Then, using #EasyGifAnimator I've got my version of Ness' animation completed, just so anyone can see it.



Next up

More progress on the glitch samurai

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

Nightmare Bonnie was unsettling indeed...




Hand studies in pixels

So... where can I find the information about all the designers worked on #GameJoltStickers?

I know only some of 'em (like @ManutkArt , @pxlstudio and @ElPichon , also @KniteBlargh ), so any information is appreciated^^

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