1 year ago

Here are sketchy retro versions of who I voted for in #SMBRound2!

See my reasoning in the article! 🔽

  1. Freddy will likely beat Mario, but I voted for Mario to try and help keep the face off more interesting.

  2. I obviously have to vote for Kirby in any face off given how often I've drawn him.

  3. I voted for Sonic over Bendy because I've played more Sonic, but I'm really not sure who will win.

  4. I voted for Peppino just because I love his design so much (plus, Peppino continuing seems way more likely to lead to potential upsets later on.)



Next up

I've been playing Divinity: Original Sin 2 after beating Baldur's Gate 3!

It's been cool getting to go backwards through a developer's catalogue because you see all the little ways they refined their work over time.


My favorite fighting game character is DOOM! #GJAsks

My most anticipated game right now is whatever Larian is doing as their follow up to BG3! After playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2, I can't wait to see what's next from them.


Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Celebrating this Fortnite #FanArtFriday with art of Peely!

Happy #Pride month!

My favorite Sonic game is still Sonic Adventure 2. The soundtrack is so good and getting to play as Robotnik was a HUGE deal. #SonicFav

Tyler Ronan is the co-protagonist of Tell Me Why! GLAAD worked with Xbox Game Studios and DONTNOD to "ensure that Tyler is a compelling, multi-dimensional character, and his story avoids the harmful transgender stereotypes and tropes of the past."

Today’s #FanArtFriday is all about Sonic so I made art of Scratch from the animated series!