
3 years ago

Hey! I'm still alive. I'm also still working on the game! I have other stuff going on right now so work as been a ... tad slow. Still, progress is progress. Enjoy these peeks at new areas! :)

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This is what 'Item Get' animations will look like in Chroma!

I posted these screenshots on Tumblr a while ago, posting them on here now too.😅 Here's a look at three work-in-progress maps, plus a peek at what it looks like when I'm editing them. Also yeah, there's gonna be a demo - details on the demo coming soon!

Here's the title screen for Chroma. I'm developing this game in RPG Maker 2003, it's been a fun challenge to work with this graphical style and engine so far, and I'm excited to continue.

If you're seeing this, it'd be great if you could follow the game!

Distance Grew 🌿 Finding the space in between what once was

Chroma has progressed quite a lot since the last update! Here's a few screenshots of some extra-interesting parts of the game (including the first peek at the battle scene). I hope you like them! More will be on their way in good time, stay tuned.



A gif I made showing the beginnings of a map and some animated tiles. 

A couple more sneak peaks! I really like how the starting area for this zone turned out. - RPG Maker parallax mapping is fun. I'm also really enjoying implementing the item sprites into the 'Item Get' animation.

self indulgent portrait i made of michael sheen because reasons #pixelart 💕

Sometimes you just have to chill next to the blood red waves.