I'm trying to make fluffy fabric! A new thing I have in mind is to give sensations when you look at certain parts of the character, so you have a more specific feeling about them.
I think for some characters, the best hints are what that character itself is searching for in their outfit and that's also what a lot of real people do! For example, here Naoki is wearing a fluffy and cozy scarf, and it hints that he may be a person that searches for a lot of coziness in his life, like in what he wears, some hobbies and his opinions in life. Does it makes sense? I hope so
It certainly adds more expression and realism if you think about your OCs like they're real people, with hobbies, maybe a family, even blood groups!
Note that the character creation revolves around a lot of things that may have nothing to do with the story you want to tell, but it helps build a more realistic and "all round" character, instead of making up a fast, plane character that only serves for the purpose of your story plot.
Feel free to use these free advices for the creation of your OCs if you want I'm not going to tell you that it will be easy in the start, but you're gonna get used to making up ideas and you'll give your immagination and creativity a big boost.
And practice makes you perfect, they say. So, what are you waiting for?