
Comments (5)

What do you think?

this looks amazing! I cant wait for it to come out. ill try my best to let other people know about it!

hi made some fanart

i said i would follow it!

A star to regain counsciousness.

"The prestigious Silver Accademia offers many job outlets; among them is an intership training to nearly become... immortal!"

Hi, and welcome to Silver Accademia. It's been a while since you joined, and following classes is becoming less and less exciting. Sometimes, you'd just want to return to sleep, right?

It's okay, relax. Take it easy. Maybe today it's just not that day, you know? Maybe it doesn't mind that you will not go to school. And remember that as you may think, maybe there are things under that veil of consciousness that need to be left unseen.

Or do they?

Don't take it so seriously, come on. Wait, you know it's all just an exam, right?

Just remember that you have a purpose now. You have to keep a promise.

-BEHOLD! Tags ahead.-
#adventure #rpg #retro #puzzle #other #fantasy #thriller #horror #cyberpunk #action #newprojects #inspiration #scifi #visualnovel

Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Use
Sexual Themes
Mild Language
Mature Humor

Hi! I have news!

My man gifted me the Repaper graphic tablet! Long story short, you put a small ring on the pencil and a paper on the tablet and when you draw on the paper you can see your drawing also on the phone! I started drawing and I can't stop

Hi yes good evening. Here for you a sketch about Shiro for today's mood.

As you may have noticed, he's very not impressed and also annoyed.

Anyway it's about school stuff, not you people. You folks are always welcome

Helloooo! New year, new challenges! After the avatar for my special person, I finished this one! This is just the graphic part of the post I want to make, but I decided to post it anyway 'cause Shiro anyway, I'll try to make the animated part now!

Hi I'm taking a pause from the project. I'm drawing something for a special person and it'll take some time. Meanwhile, it will be a good practice for what I'm going to draw later on. I want to customize the game page with my artwork and it WILL be hard

I had to re-do the drawing for the animated post because proportions. Can't wait to make the animated part on the new engine (also self thaught, yay!);

It will be fun BUT I need to finish this drawing first and... well, let's do it! Everything's fine