Pocket Fighter EX
6 months ago

Managed to figure out how to apply palettes to low color sprites in #UnrealEngine5. The flashing ones are randomizing their palettes every frame.

Still working on an easy to edit palette data system, but it works!!

#gamedevelopment #gamedev #UnrealEngine

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What if I told you the truth about what this project is will be revealed soon?...

Shooting & damage system updates! Starting to look half way decent now. Pew pew! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5

3 years before Pocket Fighter EX I made a sprite of Kazuya in Pocket style. I touched it up just a little bit for this post.

We've added animation for a little side quest.

Heard y'all like frame data. Prototyped a Street Fighter 6 style frame data bar! It's a bit crude but it works, and has already been very useful for development!

It’s time to kick off the Live Wallpaper Jam 🎉 but first... we need the theme!

So the theme is... 'UNLEASH'

You’ve got until May 2nd 👏 Good luck!!

🔗 https://store.gx.me/events/live-wallpaper/

In platforming games smaller breaks in the floor shouldn't prevent the player from walking. It's up to each game to decide how tolerant, but it will also need Camera easing (not shown) to prevent the jumpy camera. #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

Ryu from #SF6   in NeoGeo Pocket Color+ Style! I really love Ryu's new look!

#ryu #streetfighter #streetfighter6    #pixelart

Added display numbers to show damage dealt/taken in Chaosector, these values also change appearance depending on how large the values are!

Denjin Hadoukens now SHOCK your opponents! I created a dynamic "lingering damage VFX" system to handle shock, fire, and more upcoming effects. Iori can now get his purple fire!