Voxel Fight (OLD)
5 years ago

Next implementation has the AI climbing the walls. This is proving quite difficult, a release may not happen for another week or two.



Next up

The new artwork in action

Got some new additions and hopefully a new Windows build this weekend. Check it out and let me know what you think!

patched new version with keyboard controls

Added new ways for the player to know who has the ball, trying out a new scoreboard layout, and much more!

What do you think of the water dragon?

No new playable build this week, but here's a preview of a new powerup I'm testing! Think of it as a magnet. What do you think? Any ideas for powerups?

A quick clip of the world scoreboard in action.

Some new Art in the level and other fun changes. Next major milestone is implementing the final feature, rotating levels. I got them working, but there's...bugs.

pushing a new release, 2.2 that change the controls for keyboard for START = Return button and ATTACK = 'f' key. I hope to have a settings screen in a few weeks that'll give the player more control here.

Just been working on some odds and ends. Next up? Cues for when someone has a powerup.