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She just wants to sniff your hand!
Fun fact: Before the modern version of FNaM's was made me and @therealsayle made a build of FNaM's but I didn't liked it so we decided 2 start from Scratch. Today were going to release that old build :) (Disclaimer: This isn't the finished version)
Clever girl.
This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!
The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.
Forgored to post the track I promised that one time lol. Sorry for the track taking this long to post.
Gangster Chica
I drew this should I use it 4 da gaem?
"The Pumpkin".
A New-Fangled Devlog! (Finally...)
Wez workin hard on the game. Please shut the fuck up.