Dill Smith
2 years ago

Prologue and Chapter 1's Story!

Uploaded this on the wrong page last time... Here's the draft I hope you enjoy it! Production can't finally start on the game! Story feedback would be nice.



DS: Dill Smith

WW: Wimmy Walon

SV: Strange Voice (AKA- Sacks the Smiler)

Chapter 1:

CG: Camera Guy

RK: Rick Cane

RB: Rob Banks

JJ: Julia Jones

RD: Robo Drunk

BM: Belligerent man (aka: RD)

HG: Homeless guy

EC: El Chapo

YT: Young Thug

MG: Mysterious gentleman (aka: Billy "the kid" Oldman)

LMFM: Men of low moral fiber

DI: Dr. Incellington

Prologue [Demo]:

*Starts in a house (Modeled after the ep) *

WW: Dill get the camera so we can start filming.

*Must get Knife, Camera, and optional Beef Jerky*

*WW equips the camera and fades to a cutscene*

WW: Hey guys! It’s Wimmy Walon here with my friend Dill Smith and we’re going to take you all on a little ghost hunting adventure!

DS: Alright let’s head out!

*Both go outside*

WW: Where to?

*Explore and talk to things*


WW: is that an “Evil” tree?



WW: Stab at the camera.



WW: We can’t go back right now.


*Walking to the path continues the story*

WW: So, we’re uh… going into the woods. Hopefully we don’t find any “Evil”. Ha

WW: Wimmy Walon hates “Evil”, what about you Dill?

DS: Sure, whatever you say Wimmy.

*Keep walking until it gets dark*

WW: Dill maybe we should turn back I can’t see anything.

DS: No, we’ll be fine keep going.

*Keep walking until cutscene | steps on unstable ledge*


*Dill falls off the cliff*

WW: Oh, shit Dill!!!

*Runs and hops over the edge | fades*

*Still black*

SV: Hahaha nice to meet you!

DS: Who are you?

SV: Not important you’ll find out another day.

SV: Just wake up!

WW: Dill!! Are you okay? Can you hear me?

*Starts to get clear*

DS: Oh, my head…

WW: Are you okay? Can you see me?

DS: I think I’m good it wasn’t that far of a fall. Probably got a concussion though.

WW: Alright what do you want to do I’ve never been out this far, and it doesn’t look like there is a way back up there.

DS: Let’s just keep going we’re still making a video here.

WW: Alright lead the way!

*Opens up to a big explorable area*

*Talk to dead body with axe*


DS: Holy shit what is that!

WW: What are you talking about?

DS: We need to go! We need to go!

*Run away | Camera shows body disappearing*


*Path to waterfall | Enemies*

*Sees blood, heads, etc*


WW: What are you looking at we need to go!



WW: There’s nothing there come on!



WW: You’re starting to freak me out!



WW: You look like you’ve seen a ghost…



WW: I don’t know what’s holding you up, but we need to go.

DS: What is happening to me? *Echoey*


*text between fights*


SV: I’ve known you for a long time…



SV: We aren’t so different you and I…



SV: I can make this easier for both of us…



SV: All you have to do is let. me. in…



WW: Wow look at this waterfall! This is a perfect spot to hunt ghosts!

*Static | Water turns to blood*

DS: I don’t know I don’t feel so good.



WW: Dill let’s summon some ghosts! Spray some shit down there.

*Has to grab spray paint | Sprays pentagram on floor*

DS: I think we’re ready.

*Portal opens up*

DS: Fuck what is that?!

WW: Dill back up!

*Shadow monster comes out of portal and corrupts DS*


SV: Ah I’m finally inside.

DS: Who are you what do you want from me?

SV: Who am I? I am you!

DS: NO! How is that possible?

WW: DILL!! Are you okay?

*Clears up*

WW: Dill! Talk to me man! What’s going on?

DS: HAHAHAHA What do you mean willy?

WW: Dill? That thing went inside you!

DS: Ah that was nothing… let’s continue.

WW: I- I think we got enough footage…

*Starts choking WW*

DS: Ah come on let’s keep going willy!

WW: *Choking noises* Dill let me go!

DS: What did you say willy? I can’t fucking hear you speak up!

WW: *Choking noises* God damn it that’s not my name. *Breaks away* My names Wimmy!

DS: When will you learn I don’t fucking care! *Stabs WW*

WW: *Choking noises* D- Di- ll! *Falls to ground*

*Static goes away*

DS: Oh my god… *Starts crying* What have I done… *Grabs face | Starts laughing*



*2 Weeks past*

*DS chopping wood*

CG: I’ve been tracking him for weeks I’ve finally found him.

*Makes noise | DS chases*

CG: Shit!

*Battle | DS stabs him | CG falls to ground | DS walks away | camera stays for a sec | CG twitches*

*End of Prologue*

Chapter 1 “The Hunt Begins”:

*Starts in Ricks room*


RK-IM: Oh, shit did I sleep in? I was supposed to meet up with the boys at the bar.

*Get up | Explore*

*Get ID objective*


RK: This is where I keep my weapons…


[Stack of wanted posters:

RK: Really makes me proud that I took all these baddies in.



RK: No new contracts…


*Leave room | Driving to bar*

RK: I really hope I’m not late those guys can be assholes…

*fade | gets out of car at bar*

[Homeless guy:

HG: Any change?

RK: Sure bud!

HG: Sweet!!!

*HG walks back into bar*



RK: I need to talk to the “Bouncer” first…




B: Got your ID?

RK: Yeah, right here! *Hands ID* Also did you see a group of guys my age walk out of here?

B: Oh yeah, they were talking shit about some guy named Rick… *Looks at ID* Oh… Sorry about that. *Hands back ID*

RK: It’s fine. Well might as well go to the bar since I’m here.

*Goes in bar*


[Dinkler Sports Bar and Grill]

*Front of bar is full*

RK: Guess I’ll have to find a seat in the back…



RK: I must go to the back…


[El Chapo & Young Thug:

RK: These guys don’t look like they want to talk…


[Belligerent man:

BM: WhO tHe fuCK aRe You!

RK: My names Rick.

BM: Rick my dIck! Hahaha

RK: Are you okay?

BM: YeAH I jUst neEd some WatER tHen I’Ll drIve HoMe… I’lL Be fIne.

RK: If you say so…

*BM walks away*


[Mysterious gentlemen?:

MG: Yes! I am an adult person drinking… beer and wine!

RK: Who the fuck drinks wine at a bar?

MG: I do of course! Don’t knock it until you try it fellow adult man!

RK: Alright bud… “What is up with this guy?”


*Walk toward back of bar | cutscene | CG trips on Rick and drops papers*

RK: Oh, sorry let me help you pick that up!

CG: Ah thanks really appreciate it man!

RK: No prob- What’s this? 2-million-dollar reward for a forest murderer?

CG: *yank paper from Rick* You weren’t supposed to see that!

*Low morale fiber men show up*

LMFM: CAMERA GUY! You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after that hit piece you wrote about our boss!

CG: SHIT! These guys have been following me for weeks!

RK: You interrupted my conversation so now I’m going to have to de-rickify your asses!

LMFM: What the fuck does that even mean?


RK: I just opened up a can of rick ass!

LMFM: What ever just wait until our boss hears about this!

*Runs away*

CG: Are you okay? You just saved my life!

RK: Ah it’s no problem.

CG: Come with me we have some things to discuss.

*Both leave the bar | cuts to EC & YT’s table*

YG: YO! Did you just see that battle El Chapo? That was fucking wild!

EC: Very interesting… did you hear about the money? Also if the LMFM are involved I think we should do some investigating this could be big!

YG: Ah hell yeah 2 mill!

EC: Oh, course I collect 75% of your earnings under our contractual agreement…

YG: Ah hell yeah 75% less than 2 mill!


[Outside bar]

CG: Come with me to my place so we talk without so many prying eyes.

RK: Sounds good!

*CG joins party | Both get in car | fade*

*Driving | road block*


CG: What the hell is going on?

*Policeman walks up to car*

PM: *Knock* Sorry sir some drunk crashed his car now this lane blocked off.

CG: Fuck guess we’ll have to take a detour…

*Drives away | EC & YT drive up*

EC: Damn looks like they’re taking a detour no mater I know a faster way.

YT: HELL YA! Time to pop a CAP in one of these fuckers!!!

EC: GOD DAMN! Calm the fuck down Jesus man what the hell is wrong with you? We can’t kill them yet we still need information!

YT: Oh okay…

*Drives away | fade*

[CG Hideout]

*Drive up | Get out*

CG: Alright quickly through here!

*Follow CG through alley*

CG: Right through here!

*Opens door | EC & YT jump them with bats*


*They wake up strapped in chairs facing towards each other*



YT: Sorry boss… sorry.

RK: Where are we? Why are we tied up?

EC: I’m the one who asks the questions around here!

YT: Yeah, stupid b- b- bitch!

EC: We heard about a bounty with a 2 mill price tag know anything about it?

CG: I have no idea what you’re talking about!

YT: Oh my god shut the fuck up! *Shoots CG* Problem solved… *starts clapping*

RK: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! YOU SICK FUCK! You just killed the only man that knows anything about this case…

EC: You fucking idiot the cops will be here any minute! Quick grab what ever you can and DON’T forget the body!

*EC & YT grabs shit*

YT: I’ll get the feet you get the head!

*Picks up body*

EC: Vomanos vomanos!

YT: See ya later bitch boy!

*Runs out with body*

RK: I need to get untied!

*Mini game | stands up*

RK: I might have time to search this place more than they did…


*Objective: find chest with info (AKA: map of appearances)*

*Police knock*

Police: FBI OPEN UP!!

*Breaks door down*


*fades to Rick in prison*

*scene of Rick getting a mugshot*

*Rick is sitting in a cell | Policeman walks up to cell*

PM: You are being let go… If it were me, I’d have you stay in here for a LOT longer!

*Leave cell | gives items back | leaves | Rick sees Julia*

RK: Julia? I should have known it was you… Here to steal my bounty again?

JJ: A thanks would be nice!

RK: Thank you! So, what are you doing here?

JJ: Oh, just bailing some asshole out that got himself caught.

RK: Jeez thanks for the warm welcome Jule…

JJ: I heard on the grape vine about a huge bounty… I want in!

RK: NO WAY! Not after last time I ended up in a different country missing one of my kidneys!

JJ: Oh, come on you got it back plus I’m not like that anymore I’ve changed!

RK: Alright fine you did bail me out after all.

JJ: Want to go somewhere safe to fill me in?

RK: Yeah, we just need to go back to the bar first and grab my car.

*fade | driving to bar*

JJ: You still living in the shitty apartment?

RK: Yeah, it’s the best I can do right now but after that 2 mill I’m going to be living the life!

JJ: If I’m helping you, I want 50%.

RK: Alright if you do 50% of the work.

JJ: Deal!

*fade | at bar*

[Dinkler sports bar and grill]

*Bar is destroyed*

RK: NO! *gets on knees* What happened while I was gone?

JJ: Maybe there’s clues inside!

*Explore bar and find clues*

[Dead bouncer:

RK: RIP bouncer man…


[Calling card:

RK: You mean… I caused this?

JJ: What’s it say?

RK: It’s from the “Men of Low Moral Fiber” it says to meet at their warehouse or more damage will be caused to the town.

JJ: Alright then just like old times!

RK: Are you sure you want to do this? This has nothing to do with the case.

JJ: I’ve come this far plus if you’re dead I won’t be able to pursue the case.

RK: I’m sure that’s the only reason…

*Go to car | fade | at warehouse*


[LMF’s Warehouse]

RK: We’re here!

JJ: Yup let’s make these suckers pay!

RK: No one Ricks up the Dinkler on Rick’s watch!

*a MOLMF guard meets them at the door*

MG- Ain’t no way you do-gooders are getting through me!

RK- We’ll see about that! Come on Julia let’s Rick this guy up real good!

Julia- Hell yeah!

*battle with guard*

MG- Y-you guys are good *cough* but you’ll never get past the snipers…. It’s s-suicide!!! *cough cough | dies*

*the group goes through a path with snipers, if shot they lose hp more enemies spawn

| enters seemingly empty room*

RK: huh? There’s nothing in here?

JJ: Maybe we made a wrong turn let’s go back and-

*bang |a hole is blown through the wall*

*a cloaked figure with one visible glowing red eye (CF) appears *


*CF removes cloak*





JJ: Who the hell is this guy?

RK: He was just some alcoholic who frequented Dinkler’s, but I thought he died in a car wreck!?

RD: I may have died but that won’t stop my buzz now thanks to the MOLMF I am immortal!

RK:(dialogue choices)

Option 1: “That won’t make you happy” (Strongest)

Option 2: “They destroyed Dinkler’s” (Middle)

Option 3: ”I’ll still kill you no matter how metallic you look” (Weakest)

RD:( dialogue base on what the player said)

Reaction 1: “I don’t care, soon we will rule the world”

Reaction 2: “There are other bars”

Reaction 3: “I’d like to see you try”

*RD flies away*

JJ: That was… interesting…

RK: Interesting is definitely one word for it…

*Explore more | enter puzzle room (lazer sequence puzzle)*

RK: Whoa what the hell is this room for?


JJ: Shit the doors!

*Doors shut*

*Screen turns on in the middle of the room | Robo Drunk is on the screen*

RD: HAHAHAHA *cough cough*

RK: You again...

RD: Ah yes it IS me Robo- Fuck! What was it again? Hold on I have it written down... *tries to read paper* I am waaaay too drunk to read this. *Crumples up paper and throws it away* Anyway here's a puzzle, die or *cough* whatever... *Screen turns off*

RK: What the hell is wrong with this guy?

JJ: Look it activated!

*Puzzle starts*

[Puzzle room phase 1]

*After puzzle*

*Screen turns on*

RD: What you all aren't dead? Shit time to pull out the big guns... ANOTHER PUZZLE! *Floor falls | the crew lands at the new puzzle*

[Puzzle room phase 2]

RK: Ugh Julia are you okay?

JJ: Yea-

RD: FUCK! I forgot I never finish this one. AHHHHH I feel like a failure... *Drinks alcohol*

RK:(dialogue choices)

Option 1: "You were always a failure!" (Weakest)

Option 2: "Maybe if your friends weren't such assholes you'd be less of a failure!" (Middle)

Option 3: "We all fail sometimes..." (Strongest)

RD:( dialogue base on what the player said)

Reaction 1: "You were always destined to SHUT UP AND DIE!"

Reaction 2: "Maybe if you would SHUT UP AND DIE!"

Reaction 3: "Sometimes we all have to SHUT UP AND DIE!"

*Tries to trigger explosion*

RD: FUCK! Well it was with a try, here have this puzzle instead.

*Puzzle 2 starts*

*After puzzle*

*Screen on*


RK:(dialogue choices)

Option 1: "If that's your best work they should cut your pay!" (Weakest)

Option 2: "Your puzzles are kinda mid." (Middle)

Option 3: "Maybe you are more of a fighter and less of a strategist." (Strongest)

RD:( dialogue base on what the player said)

Reaction 1: "Maybe I should just cut your life short!"

Reaction 2: "What grown ass man says mid?"

Reaction 3: "We'll see about that!"

*Robo Drunk fight starts*

*After fight*

RD: NoooOOooOOo how can this be? I need to talk to Dr. Incellington! *Runs away*

RK: *Panting | falls down* We tried so hard and he still got away...

JJ: Hey we'll get him next time, come on we need to get going.

*Explore | reaches incell door*

RK: There it is! This has to be where he's hiding.

JJ: Julia is feeling coolia!

RK: W- What?

JJ: Well you have your catchphrases...

*Enters room | DI is in the back bunker | open room*

JJ: Whoa this room is huge!

*Speaker* DI: Ah the Chad and Stacy have arrived!

RK: What the hell are you talking about?

DI: Congratulations on making it this far, however your journey ends here, as this whole warehouse is now set to explode in 5 minutes.

JJ: You idiot don't you realize you'll blow up with it?

DI: That is where you're wrong Stacy this bunker is actually a space ship meaning I will be long gone before this place is no more.

*RD flies in*

RD: Alright boss I made it now let's blow this popstand!

DI: Sadly you arrived a little bit too late, if you can't tell you were beaten here by the riff raff.


DI: While it is regrettable that all of the effort I put in to your cybernetic enhancements will go to waste, it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

*DI bunker blasts off and breaks through the roof*


RK: You shouldn't die here come with us, we can save you!

Outcome 1 (Redemption):

RD: It seems like it's my only option lets go...


RD: Well we made it, if you need help you know where to find me. *RD joins party*

Outcome 2 (Death):

RD: You really think I would want to go with you... *Stares* I'd rather die then depend on you! *Pulls out gun and kills himself*


JJ: We have to go we don't have much time!


RK: Oh my god... h- he killed himself.

JJ: You were kinda harsh to him that entire time.

RK: Yeah but I didn't expect him to-

JJ: We can't dwell on it we just have to move on.

[Next day]

*RK and JJ are meeting up at ricks apartment*

RK: So we still don't have much info on Dill Smith but our main leads are El Chapo, Young Thug, and that Dr. Incellington guy.

JJ: I just don't know where we're going to find these guys, they basically disappeared into thin air.

*Knock knock*

RK: Who the hell can this be? *Opens door | Sees YT and EC | Chapter ends*



Next up

New concept art because I'm bored at work...

Progress! (WIP)

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Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

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Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Converting concept art to pixel art!

Let's take another look at the next big update for The Bunny Graveyard! Featuring the one and only, Boxers.

Dill Smith Full Body [Wip]

Finished designing the power-ups!

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