Pocket Fighter EX

9 months ago

Ryu from #SF6   in NeoGeo Pocket Color+ Style! I really love Ryu's new look!

#ryu #streetfighter #streetfighter6    #pixelart



Next up

Progress! Spawning enemies, explosions, weapon switching, and more! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

Yesterday was Chun-li's birthday! So here's some animations I've been working on for when it's Chun's turn to get added to Pocket Fighter EX. (plus a bonus SF6 sprite!)

What if I told you the truth about what this project is will be revealed soon?...

It's happening.

3 years before Pocket Fighter EX I made a sprite of Kazuya in Pocket style. I touched it up just a little bit for this post.

(🔊ON!) Added a random Pitch changer for Sound Effects 🤣 #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5

Shooting & damage system updates! Starting to look half way decent now. Pew pew! #MegaMan #UnrealEngine5

DEBUG MODE LETS GO #MegaMan #UnrealEngine

(I guess we're good to go on that Space Shooter stage, eh? )

Heard y'all like frame data. Prototyped a Street Fighter 6 style frame data bar! It's a bit crude but it works, and has already been very useful for development!

Denjin Hadoukens now SHOCK your opponents! I created a dynamic "lingering damage VFX" system to handle shock, fire, and more upcoming effects. Iori can now get his purple fire!