6 months ago

So this is it. After 3 months, My teaser for new self insert after the old one, Scarfishy, is here. It kinda looks similar to my old one, but it's definitely an improvement than ever. I haven't finished the backstory of Scarfishy but here's the thing:

Context of reasoning :

I... lost movation to just put this to write a close, unlike some of my other creations of Scratch like Fishy and Scarlet, the demon Au, other vectors and idea creations etc. Scarfishy is apparently just not as interesting or intriguing enough as for other creations, for the first time really. It's also because time has passed, and it's been A HOT MONTH since I touched on this story. And many things have passed.

If you don't know what I mean this is a finisher of an Arg or more than really an Arc of such character that happened in scratch, just because I was bored and demovatied at that time, was like another dip in the middle and tired of drama, so I wanted to based it off of that. I wanted to finish the story but I couldn't. I've did made an alt regarding that Scarfishy is a dead name. And I mean that in the sense, I'm still am going to be called Fishy. But after that, I lost movation, due to me being in the courtroom and trying to resolve the situation before it becomes too much to handle, (which eventually it did that's why I stepped in and took it in my own two hands) I stopped working on the story. I've also stopped drawing vent art to comfort myself.

Fishy has still been a staple to me, used in times of when drama happened, is the character I originally made to represent myself before I changed it, and is more famous than Scarfishy. Scarfishy was made in Magma originally. However magma wasn't as very great as it was toxic, some of those characters were either lost or forgotten as I became active more on scratch. Even though past crap in Magma has happened, I eventually went passed all of that, and finally decided to change my name to what it is today.

Introducting.... SARIDGE HERSELF!

That's right baby, that isn't a joke with the username I have. It's her name and while she is looks similar to my old persona, she is the improvement of her. A curious little fellow who is has a demonic octopus living inside her, she'll be happy to meet you with being the new persona to me!* Get ready as she's about to be the person who is going to represent me the most!

*If we can reach 100 on followers we could have the reference faster lmao



Next up

Equal rights, Equal fights.

Btw I moderate the @sylebro comic studio now lol

Jerry my beloved

Happy birthday @Nelintere

M o o p.

@the_moop_show (left is the original)

art trade with someone named aster i met on an art jam!! their fursona

made in krita

im so proud of the rendering

life update in article!!


Cuphead beats taxes, man I'm dead

Fanart for @AcefurONAF_FAN || (your OC is actually so cute!)


Cakey with the Cake

Happy birthday ^u^

Bat shadow