1 year ago

So What is Infiniquest?

In simple terms, it explores a vast, magical, soulful, practically infinite universe of possibilities. Where endless lands, worlds, adventures and even galaxies await at every turn. Who can say just what one is to find in a world such as this one?

Two of these such adventures will be explored in the currently developing games of The Borises, and second, The Innerlands. Linked below.



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It's been almost five years since I made this account...wow does time go by.


The Super Mario Bros Movie 2 is happening, even if not for awhile. Also, Happy Mario Day!

No context.

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game? A song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here: https://gamejolt.com/p/the-highrise-game-jam-is-underway-watch-t…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸

As promised, It's been awhile since I've shared on this game, I've got a lot to show off, here's a video. And more below.

So...unfortunately given that IRL things got in the way and in general having to do more than expected, SUBCON.FDS' full version will NOT be making it to EXEChallenge3. That is unless something crazy happens (i.e deadline extension). But otherwise...yeah.

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

I skipped on the demo this time, the game is here, in full. Enjoy!