3 years ago

Version 1.1.0

  • AI levels and frame rate dont reset anymore when dying

  • Balanced the AI timings to more resemble the difficulty you set

  • Fixed a bug with Foxy

  • Door buttons now disable as well when someone gets into the office

  • Added easter egg

This will most likely be the last patch and post, so I wanna thank everyone for the feedback and for checking out the game. Happy Holidays

1 comment


Next up

2 years! And another update..?

Rough port of UFMP2 office to cycles. Why would I do this


Working on the update! Heres the updated office (still a lot of tweaks to make). The second slide is the office from update 2

Okay seriously. Devlog within the next few weeks. These past couple weeks have been great for development, so Ill have a lot to update you on.

FNAF Accuracy in a 3d game engine?? No way!

Im back!! Whats to come in update 2?

Shh theyll never know

(devlog soon I promise)
