Castlevania: Holy Fires

4 years ago

We added enemies from later Castlevania games to Holy Fires. Check out Ukoback and Skeleton Gunman from Symfony of the Night (among others). To make them fit in Holy Fires, we gave them a bit of a visual overhaul.

(also check out our new page-banner)



Next up

Mancers: One More Floor Devlog nr. 2: Speed bumps

Castlevania: Holy Fires Version 2.0.0: Casual Mode is now live!

Check out the article below to see what's new in this update!

Check our page for the download!

Two Holy Fires posts in one week? You bet!

A few weeks ago we showed a first look at the boss' arena for level 3. Here it is in it's finished form!

Also, check out that grey demon in the sky. It's Gobanz (or Death Bat), the original boss of level 3!

@JerielBonilla wanted Symphony Of The Night. Well, there ya go! 😁 #Castlevania #WiseDrums

This week, we 're working on the arena where the third boss of the game will be fought. Here's a first look of it!

Distance Grew 🌿 Finding the space in between what once was

New monster reveal! She-worms (or just Worms) are excellent climbers. They use this ability to slither their way up the Clocktower. Watch out when you hit them though, they switch to their attack form if you do...

Here's a quick look at the enemies you'll encounter in the first dungeon of Mancers; the Gobster Hideout. This place will be filled with magically enhanced Goblin Mobsters such as this one!



Mancers Memos nr. 4 - The Key (Rooms) to Adventure