My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Post about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

MLP out of context

MLP fuera de contexto

The Wait is OVER!! 🤩 Battle Gem Ponies has gone LIVE on Google Play! You can actually play it on your phone now! 📲…

Rainbow dash looks cute and has headphones

Rainbow Dash se ve linda y tiene audífonos

Rainbow dash esta de visual fofa e com headphones

Hace poco me encontré con un juego llamado Ponytown y cumplí el sueño frustrado de la yo de 9 años.

Hice un poni, me gustó como quedó, lo dibujé y también me gustó cómo quedó...

Ahora hay nueva foto de perfil :D

The Final 1.0.0 Build has been submitted!

Prepare for Launch!

I saw this app called pony town and I did some design in it!

rainbow dash!

i drew my dream girl~ (judy hopps)

Had a blast sharing our BGP trading game with Everfree Northwest!
Every con gets more magical.
Til next year, it's been a real slice, peeps


Our trip to EFNW was the most successful since bringing our Kickstarter there 3 years ago! Can't thank folks enough for coming by.
The smiles were worth the long journey.