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The Amazing Digital Circus
Super Meat Boy
Animal Crossing

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Happy New Year & a Hopefully Wunderfull Year!!!

for the new year I finally got to draw Me, "FanGirl" and [Name Unknown] which I'm every happy about.

The #Foto from last time, I'm unsure if this really counts under #FamilyReunion, probably more under #Past i guess.. also other then "#AEError"/"#AngelError" do they not have Designs, & that BlueFireSkelet is not her brother

Omg this is an Old #ErrorSansAU of mine, Original name of #AngelError which I then shortened to #AEError and i actually forgot what I called her now lul. I belive it hast something to do with he design,

#ErrorVember2023 & #MeowVember2023

The Icon for Kiras MinecraftServer & Music for said Server I made for her, I'm pretty happy about it and it teach me how to do things like that which is every cool and usefull, i might try to draw more stuff in that style but i guess we just gotta see,

The Card of The Curse #Joltober2023

this took long, I'm hella sleepy now, and I'm not 100% happy with the end product but like it is what it is

#Card #DigitalDesign #Cursed #Curse #Hand #Shattered #Halloween #Helloween #DigitalArt #Dark