

SOMEWHEN has more sound effects to it now! Yay! Starting to feel like a game even more! There's a slight controller rumble when the ball is hit, for good measure.

#rpgmakerMV #rpgmaker #SOMEWHEN


You can summon townsfolk from the towns you build to aid in the fight! It's a little costly though...

#screenshotsaturday #rpgmaker #madeinrpgmaker #gamdev #indiedev #somewhen

New dangerous enemy type that'll explode and damage all its surroundings when dropped to zero HP. Be wary and try to KO it from a distance if possible.

#Somewhen #RPGMaker #RPGMakerMV #rpg #ChronoTrigger

Some more progress concerning weapons. There's still more I have to do on this customization menu, but the gist is that you can apply Weapon Oils or other attachments to any given weapon.

#rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #somewhen #rpg

"CRT" filter option added. Here's a side-by-side comparison. It'll animate in the overworld and it won't in menus. By default, it is OFF.

#rpg #rpgmaker #rpgmakermv #somewhen