All Posts in 3D-2D games
I think I'm going to add the option to disable screen-shake to Hensen as an accessibility feature because it can be sensory hell for me if I'm feeling a certain way when I play a game so I imagine there are other people who have similar issues with it.
Someone wrote this tale where it was sure to be found. A hint, perhaps…? 📜
Wishlist on Steam!
For a pixel art I drew in 10 minutes, this sprite turned out looking alright! This is the health item that occasionally drops from enemies in Hensen Hopper, if you collect it, it restores 1/5 of your HP.
The menus are looking pretty nice! I want to add some plants to the backdrop because this game is meant to be set in a garden and I also want to add a drop shadow to the buttons which I'll probably do tonight before go to bed, that shouldn't take long.
OKAY, I officially love TextMesh Pro. The fact you can this easily add a drop shadow/outline to text to make it POP from the background is just so nice! DEFINITELY using TMP by default for all of my future Unity projects!
Low Poly Tropical Island - Game Assets.
The old village is alive with its inhabitants and travelers. Its magic, a strange power that made the rocks and skulls glow. The village breathed on its own, a world of wonder and secrets. #gamedev #indiegame #3d
In the Rearview update, you’re vulnerable outside the car—one crash means death. Escape a burning car, but enemies will spot you. Run over foes for health, but they can fight back. Will you survive?
I added a screen-shake effect whenever the player character gets hit by an enemy bullet! Also, this is the first Hensen Hopper game-play clip I've recorded since I've set up the GameJolt page for the game!
There's a huge satisfaction in stopping an enemy mid dash to push it on walls 😎
Wishlist on Steam
I won't let those exploding enemies hit me 😠