Work in Progress in Unreal Engine
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idk if people know this but i have the full (wip) ost for hge on sc…
new song is spoopy ig…
Well, maybe the release date of the Training Programme will be brought forward a little...
Anyway, have a look at the main menu (it's not finished)!
UPDATE : Added footstep sound, damage and death, ring loss on damage, and uhh, uhhhhhh...i forgot what else (ig that's all)
i started working on hand to hand combat... Suplex WIP
so far i added the default combo for the ground and the forward/backward attacks for both ground and air, i wanna add the default combo for the air and also many delayed combos
He is not gone, not completely.
Hey everyone!
Hello Neighbor Breakout Patch 2 is out now!
Not a lot of progress, solved all sorts of problems, but sort of solved everything and now I'm free completely until January 10. I'll spend more time, but for now a little progress.
We've just made a Steam account for the studio, to prepare for the Steamworks launch process! We hope to have a "coming soon" page avaliable soon!
Stay tuned, this is still very early!