general in Devs

Indie Games

These texts were supposed to be buttons can anyone tell me how to fix them in gdevelop? please comment...

Okay, here's a spoiler for Ladder Up. (That's what I'm working on right now).

Today 10/01 we are going to do a devlog showing the process of creating the first version of the final version

Game Process: 10%

hoje dia 10/01 vamos fazer um devlog mostrando o processo de criação da primeira fazer da versão final

game process: 10%


For day 736 of coding, I have refined the exit a bit to be only one size


For day 735 of coding, I am working on having an exit placed where the player enters the maze. There are still some adjustments to be made, but I am happy about the progress made

tomorrow 10/01/2025 we will do a devlog about the development of the new version of Little dark 2 Journey to Lyudi (maybe the final update)

amanhã dia 10/01/2025 iremos fazer um devlog sobre o desenvolvimento da novaversão de Little dark 2 Journey to Lyudi (talvez a atualização final)


For day 734 of coding, I am working having the camera follow the player when entering the maze. the camera so far works there, but there seems to be a stutter during transitions to other areas