Indie Games in Devs

Indie Games

I found a Path in the Outskirts. Where it would lead to?

New Champions Event! These are the 3 cards. Release date unknown.

I'm doing some work on controller compatibility!

It's almost done, I just need to map a few more things and then we're good!

Credit to whoever made the controller art!

#GameDev #IndieGames #Platformer

Gran anuncio del juego / Big game announcement

Her house is surrounded by lovely trees, isn’t it?

Loka Zonzini's House.

Yes, it was a night, up to #TheLegendOfPointD.

Summary of LaLiga DT updates this week:

-TOTYs stats counter

-Bug fixes

-New Europe Event

P.S.: It will soon be revealed what the next big event will be.

At least Zetta knows she thought she could stop by and bring the main character coffee.

Very Seriously Good.