Fangames in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community

Share your epic s**t!

Big new update!

Patch 0.1.2 is out!

0.1.1 patch is out!

Freddy's Acronical Excursion - Director Cut

1972 Playtest is out.

btw this is going to be my last ever fangame before i move on from fnaf so i need feedback from the demo

Version 1.0.2 - Post Jam Build

Changes in the article !

Also remember, if you got the Golden Wario statue, put the "Global" file you have from the previews version ('s) to the new update. (tho with the gamejolt trophies, you have to relog in again)

Version 4.0.7 - Ending "A Self-Switch" Blunder.

Hello everyone! NEW GAME!!

The Gamejam is finally out everyone !

Hope you ya'll have a fun time and no 1-day patches lolz.

The demo is out.

go play now