Fangames in Five Nights at F***boy's: The Community

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Version 1.0.5 - 2nd Mini Update

Hello Gaymers, didn't expected to make a 2nd mini update before working on a 2.0 with a lot more content.
But here are some of the new changes.

I have finally obtained every trophy in this game!!
took me a while
is this the right channel to post it in?
I wonder how many other people have 100% this game?

guys i need help unlocking sparky in fnafb ultimate

We have now opened the FNaFB: Plus Dev Server!
Join Today:

Road to Release 1.0Ver. - Progress 3

oops! one more thing!

Big new update!

Patch 0.1.2 is out!

0.1.1 patch is out!

Freddy's Acronical Excursion - Director Cut

1972 Playtest is out.