Indie Games in Indie Cross

the indie cross

This is Ayasa, the protagonist 🌟

Wielding the powers of time, gravity, and energy, Ayasa’s journey is one of survival, not combat.

Check out this stunning concept art as we bring her story to life!

#ConceptArt #IndieGames #Adventure

Night in Ohio

Just added new doors for Version guys !

In the next version of MashKipper, a system for changing weapons and weapon slots will be added, and the weapons themselves will be hidden on the maps!

the third update of my action platformer will be released soon, the number of downloads has already reached about 1000 people, also come and check it out, please leave a comment I want to know your opinion.…

I need to figure what we should do moving forward. I no longer trust Unity.

Independence Spooky as Omori Emotions Chart… New Devlog update for my game. Added mouse smoothing option! I also added a new enemy to our asset list! Check it out!

Also support our kickstarter!


New Devlog!

This time, We have added features and stability patches to our game to make it run more smoothly! We also got a new trailer! Check it out!

Support us on Kickstarter!