
Comments (1,423)

What do you think?

so... Terraria?

Sorry, but i have to say you've failed in programming right of the bat.
We are on Game Jolt here, not on Origin or Uplay.
The community will accept unfinished games, but you don't give us the possibility to play your game.
We are loosing hope, that the game is even worth playing.


Been waiting years for this game to come out. I am looking forward to playing it whenever it is released.

I hate all these comments that say hate or hurry up to the developer, Braffolk, take as long as you need buddy, all these people will come flocking to the game when it comes out even if it comes out in two years. You just focus on making a good game :)


The story behind it

2Volution started off as a personal game to play with my brother and sister. It was never intented to go commercial but things just grew. It started off from small co-op games that we made just to have fun in spare time. We had fun creating and adding all the content and things we imagined, all the quirky little monsters, weapons and even rideable horses! This went on for a few years until a cruel HDD failure stopped things for a year.

These small games slowly turned into what 2Volution is now. Throughout its development it started getting lots of inspiration from other games such as Broforce, MineCraft, RuneScape and loads others that we played together. It’s been in development for 3 years now and though there have been lots of problems (and still are) with there being no budget for the game or lack of free time, it’s still going and hopefully I’ll have something released soon.

In the recent years I’ve slowly started getting more and more inspiration from the epics and old tales of my country and other European countries. I’ve been planning and creating a kind of a fantasy world based on lots of myths about ancient creatures, monsters, heroes, tales and everything else in the old sagas.

Short boring summary

2Volution is a two-dimensional action-adventure game set in randomly generated sandbox worlds. Worlds are divided into biomes that have different cultures that each presents the player with unique challenges, stories and tales that are tied to those challenges and the world itself.
Players use strategy and teamwork to go through complex challenges built from monsters, traps, puzzles, aggressive tribes and a combination of those and more.
2Volution is very oriented on co-op play (local and online), all challenges that the player will face are easier to beat using the advantages that co-op offers.


I will be streaming 2Volutions development on my twitch channel at from time to time, usually on weekends during either daytime or the evening (Eastern European Time). If you don't want to miss a stream, follow me on twitch.
This won't be too interesting for everyone because it's just lots of coding, art and other similar things.

Fantasy Violence

Spine2D Implementation nearly finished + DEMO

Even more lights?

Too many lights!

Spine2D integration

planning stuff on vacation

I’m on a vacation for a few days, so instead of coding I’ve been writing down lots of very _secret_ ideas and updating the games roadmap.
_you can post devlogs from phone? Nice._

When lighting breaks...

Playing around with lighting again

Test stream

Doing a test stream on Twitch at

State of the game and other news

Update #20: Multiplayer, Lighting, Water and Animations