Comments (1)
Game looks great especially for a self made one that's their first made game. Can't wait to test it out!
Dipstick demo
the full demo for "Dipstick". The full game will be out soon!
Game Soundtrack
The sun has been absorbed by an unknown source of magic. All that is known is that it is caused by 3 entities. Entity of land , "The gold warrior" , Entity of the underground , "Demon Lord of the dead" , and the final entity, inside the 'black hole' itself, "Gaia, Lord of the eternal flame".
You are controlling a regular person. Nickname "Dipstick". He loves to go out and go hunting small animals with his average pistol. Ever since the sun was absorbed, the first king had made Dipstick 'The chosen one', to defeat these 3 entities, since everyone else was simply too scared to even attempt it.
As with any other normal person, Dipstick only has 1 life. so will you succeed in gaining the power of the 'White universe' and restoring the world to its normal state, or continue to let everyone down over, and over, and over, and over again.
Now go! The universe is counting on you!
(My first game. So dont expect anything too good. made with clickteam 2.5)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans