
Comments (260)

What do you think?

Ok, so I played through some of the demo (probably half) and I have some feedback.

First of all, the game is ever more gorgeous than I expected it to be. The animation and variety of the world is just stunning to look at. You really outdid yourself and I hope that quality continues throughout the whole game.

That being said, I was very disappointed with the how the game played. Although the game is very pretty, it's hard to enjoy that prettiness if moving around is as dull as it is. The main character is very slow. Turning around takes way longer than it should, falling is slow, jumping is slow, and the platforming is just generally uninspired and not much fun. Even the player's animation is slow.

I know there's a lot more game left to make, but I really hope some of that time will go towards completely reworking how the platforming is, because it really needs work. I should also clarify, I know that the game isn't meant to be fast. When I say I want the game to be less slow, I don't mean I'm asking more a run button, because that would obviously be out of place. I just want more responsiveness in the controls, something that would better reflect the high quality art.

One other random thing to think about. I really hope that music puzzles isn't reflective of the rest of the puzzles in the game. That's the kind of puzzles that really shows how boring the platforming is. Look at that room without all of the art; just hitboxes. All it is is you going up and around and back and forth hitting switches. Since it's so easy to figure out, it just wastes the players time.

Sorry that most of this was negative, it's just that I, and everyone else, very passionately want this game to be as spectacular as you do. Hopefully you find this helpful.

Looks nice.

how much longer untill you think it will be ready

For the typical walking simulator, this was great, loved the art.

Plot is still absurdly confusing for me, can't make much of what's going on.

I'd suggest giving people a direction to go after becoming small as i've wasted my time going to the left

This is what Im looking for in an indie game. This game knows how to tug at your curiosity, and draw you into exploring the vivid world.


Don't Kill Her - DEMO

Version: 1.0.0almost 9 years ago

Don't Kill Her - DEMO
(loading may take a little time, thanks for your patience!)

--------- KEYBOARD CONTROLS ---------
[q / z / s / d] OR [a / w / s / d] OR arrow keys

--------- GAMEPAD CONTROLS ---------
(tested with xbox360 controller)
arrow keys to move / A to jump

Don't Kill Her is designed in a very particular way. It The further you go, the deeper you'll dive into something you wouldn't have expected.

"No choice is given, but the rest belongs to us."

Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I hope you all had a great summer. In this newsletter I'll talk about a bunch of different things.

#19 Summer update

#18 A bit of refactoring

#17 | Hints, Souvenirs and relationships