
Comments (7)

What do you think?

After taking a break and working on some other things, I am currently working on an update that will come out soon. There will be some visual changes, improvements in sprite/text quality as well as some bug fixes and optimizations. Thanks.

I do really like this game, and I think it's a fun concept, inspired by other games. I would be looking to play more of it if one large, game-breaking problem was resolved. When playing this game all the way through, there was something very specific that honestly ruined the experience for me. The hazard's hitboxes.

They are technically accurate to their sprite's dimensions, but that's not entirely a good thing. For example, world 2, level 3, was the hardest level for me to get through, and it's all because of the misconceiving hitboxes on the saws, and the large spikes moving on tracks.

But it's not just that, it's all the hazardous hitboxes. For example, the rising and lowering spikes, You have to be very position specific as to not get killed by them, and when you have gone through the entire level and gotten both cubes, and you suddenly get hit by one of them because you were just a pixel too close even though it looked like you were plenty safe, it just makes you annoyed.

The game, as I see it, is more of a difficult platformer, designed for people who have more experience with platformers. That's fine. That's the type of person I am. But the problem in it IS the difficulty, and not in the way you would think. The difficulty is from the game design, and not the level design, when it should be vice versa. The game design itself should not be naturally difficult.

Another slightly smaller issue I have is the jumping. I understand pressured jumping may be hard to implement, I'm not entirely sure, and I don't know my place saying this as I have not made an actual game yet, but pressured jumping is almost a necessity. The entire game is a very simplistic game, and that's what I like about it. But there is such a thing as too simple. You can keep the max jump height as it should be, but make it so you can do smaller hops just by tapping. It really adds that layer of immersion. A game relies on player controls, and if they just don't feel right, it's hard to play.

That's it for my novel, but just for as a few side notes, on world 2, level 3, where the second saw is at, there is a ledge tile, and I can't count the times I've annoyingly unfairly died there from not being able to jump from being caught on that due to weird hitboxes. Maybe just make that an average tile. And another thing, change up the sprites for the spikes on tracks, as they are very confusing. I thought at first that you could stand on the top of them, but it had just killed me.

I think this is a fun little game and the idea of getting color back into the world is also fun, I haven't seen a good one of those in a long time. I would reccomend implementing a full screen mode because it is really annoying to play it in such a small window. But overall it's a good game, keep working on it!

Another update rolled out with some slight fixes and modifications.

New update out with some additions and few small fixes.



Version: 0.8.0about 5 years ago

What used to be a thriving colorful world, has become sad and colorless. People have been imprisoned and the world has been filled with many traps to prevent anyone from trying to restore all of the color. It is up to you to over come these obstacles across different levels and locations restoring some of the color by collecting the left over fragments. #platformer #puzzle #adventure

NEW UPDATE: Updates 0.8


  • Added gravity effect to the 2 falling boxes in the city levels

  • Added gravity effect to the falling spikes

  • Improved the quality of the UI text/buttons when in Full Screen

  • Changed the colored sprites in the city, woods and dungeon levels

  • Some other level changes and adjustments

  • Fixed issue where player couldn't jump when the platform was moving down

  • Modified resolution

  • Fixed some incorrect wording in level transition

  • Game Optimizations

  • Adjustments to sound levels

Mild Cartoon Violence
Animated Bloodshed


Glimpse at the latest level. This will be the focus of the next set of levels. I will probably still work over polishing this one and how I will go on to the next ones, but I think it looks pretty good so far and feels pretty good. Also some new traps :)

Just another quick update: I will still continue working on fixing some of the smaller problems and some of the visual and flow of the levels, but I have also started working on the next set of levels!

In next few days I will release a small update that will make the spin trap smoother, add some settings for full screen (currently this will impact the sprite quality but hopefully I can fix that in the future). Also, just a few other changes and fixes.

This game isn't complete and probably has some bugs but I figured why not release what is there so far and get feed back and motivation to work on it more!