
Comments (432)

What do you think?

Can You Make A Menu Where You Can Change Resolution Cuz My Computer Cant Even Handle Medium!

Looks pretty great! Nice Alpha 1.5 fan game Can't wait for playing this

One of the best Hello Neighbor fan game i've played 10/10

Waiting for the full version :)

Hello Neighbor 1.5 can play this vip XD


hello schizophrenia


Chapter 1

Version: 2.2.1about 2 months ago

Hello Neighbor: Hidden Spirits Demo (ORIGINAL 2021 VERSION)

Version: 0.2.4about 1 year ago
This is the original demo for the game. You can either install/download it normally through Gamejolt or open the .txt file to get a Dropbox download link.

Welcome to Hello Neighbor: Hidden Spirits, a fan game of the once popular indie horror franchise "Hello Neighbor". The release of the original game left the general public disappointed, so I took it upon myself to create my own take on the concept!

Theodore Peterson in this game isn't your typical Hello Neighbor AI. You have to treat him like a real human. If you treat him like a minor inconvenience, you'll never find out what lies behind that basement door.

Stay safe, hide well, and good luck.

@OwenCampos - Lead Level & Game Designer/Developer
@TheCrowinator - Level Design, QA-tester
@partnerplaya - UI, Textures
@NateEMG - Music, Trailers, UI, QA-tester
Spikez - Animation, Music

#fangame #horror #action #puzzle #strategy #altgame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Changed the game filetype to .7z, cuz I'm pretty sure winrar is still deleting some of the code. It may be very very little of the code, but it's still bugging the game out.

Patch notes 4/2/2021:
- Fixed some bugs with the Neighbor's navigation.
- Fixed some bugs with some hiding and trapping objects.
- Fixed a bug where the Neighbor would sometimes go to world location 0,0,0 in Hunt/Offline mode.
(more details in my server)

Alright it seems like all of those weird bugs have been fixed with the new download. So now I can actually fix the legitimate bugs that were definitely my fault. xD

Finally updated the download. Click it and open the .txt file for the download link. This is, in my opinion, the best way to make sure nothing's fishy with the data.

Welp, looks like I'm gonna have to package the game like I did before. This was such a disaster.

Just updated the download. Now we just pray that the bugs aren't there. xD
I still have one more potential fix file-wise, but worst case scenario I use a Dropbox download.

Ok there's somethin' screwy happening with the game. Either it's the way I compressed the it, or it's Gamejolt's fault, but there are a whole lot of bugs being reported that I have never seen before. I'll have to repackage it and update the download.

I am proud to announce that the demo has finally been released! If you encounter any bugs, you can report them in my Discord server, or email me at "[email protected]".

Very subtle lens flares.
(freaking Gamejolt compressing the image xD trust me the lens flare is there)

Some of you may be wondering why there haven't been any updates recently. It's mainly cuz of the school quarter ending for me and the fact that I had a migraine for almost 2 weeks now, so yeah. Just remember that this game is still being worked on.