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In this top-down shmup, you control Hensen Hopper, a vigilante grasshopper from the lower west side of The Garden who has taken it upon himself to take back his home from the control of the nefarious Yellow Jackets! Armed with his trusty honey-gun, you will help Hensen fight back against the Yellow Jackets' with the aim of putting an end to their reign of terror and saving The Garden from villainous insects!

This game fully supports the following input modes:

  • Keyboard/Mouse

  • Xbox controller

The controls will be explained by in-game hints but are also listed below.

| Action: | Keyboard: | Controller: |

| Movement | Arrow Keys | Left Joystick |

| Fire | Space | Right Trigger |

| Pause | Esc | B |

This game features two music tracks by Kevin MacLeod and numerous sound effects from Zapsplat.

#arcade #shooter #comedy #action #retro #other

Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

OKAY, I officially love TextMesh Pro. The fact you can this easily add a drop shadow/outline to text to make it POP from the background is just so nice! DEFINITELY using TMP by default for all of my future Unity projects!

Finally getting to work on the UI art! I'll need several button sprites for buttons of different sizes. and I also want an outline effect of some sort when buttons are selected.

I should probably update the pause and death menus before I do this actually.

I wonder whether I should program in a randomized delay for enemy spawns in each column? Or maybe delay patterns that will overlay onto the chosen spawn pattern? That might be a nice way to add some more variety and challenge to the game.


I finally got around to animating the enemies' stinger bullets colliding with the player! Next, I'll, for starters the bullet sprite in the correct sorting layer so it doesn't render below Hensen like it does in this video... Then, not sure yet!

I've actually had the core concept of Hensen Hopper in mind for a while now. I'm happy to finally do something with it! My learning focus for this project is mostly on animation because right now that's my weakest area as a solo developer.

I'm so glad I decided to set up a GameJolt page for Hensen Hopper this soon into it's development. I'm much better at writing my thoughts than I am at speaking so GameJolt probably is a better place for me to yap about what I build than YouTube is.


I added a screen-shake effect whenever the player character gets hit by an enemy bullet! Also, this is the first Hensen Hopper game-play clip I've recorded since I've set up the GameJolt page for the game!

Finally got around to putting together a Game Jolt page for my current project! I won't be posting a whole lot because I'm still studying and I've also gotten a new job starting on the 12th but I'll be working on this as well and posting occasionally!