Basic AI almost done! Enemy ships chase you and when they too close they evade you, then they return to chasing, a simple loop that will evolve from there, depending on the enemy faction they will fly differently.
The biggest problem so far will be AI, how npc ships will move, hwo they behave, when they start doing a different thing. First, it is being fun to make, Second, thank god game maker for having paths.
6 of 12 systems have been designed, a lot of fun ideas comes around as stuff is being placed. Also almost everything has been converted to GM2, only weapon on ship position and weapon projectile is left for full conversion.
Resume of the game from start point to end done, for now it will have 10 main story chapters, apart from all the secondary things that will be on the open world. I'm writing the pre story of the game in order to have even a more solid base to create stuff
While I love how clean it is and the singleton system, I cannot continue with Godot 4, I'm having problems with creating animated sprites with multiple images for a animationSprite2D created via code. I will go back to Game Maker 2 and see how it goes