
Comments (2)

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Super Boiboi 2 is now in active development!

Sb2 is a scrolling platformer that aims to be bigger and better that the previous game. Updates coming soon! #platformer #action #adventure #retro


My code is so bad for the cutscene engine that me turning OFF the compiler makes performance BETTER

Who needs a Girlfriend when you have [[super boiboi parallax backgrounds]] instead

Leggs from the hit video game Super Boiboi 2

Guess what i'm working on

working on the cutscene engine after months of avoidance

Started adding in the tiles now

I think I cooked

The game is completely broken rn but I make the dash look cooler!!!(this also breaks something else)

also new parallax backgrounds. Currently WIP.

I swear I've gotten complaints for like 3 years to make Spike follow Boiboi in one of these and I finally did it lol

Boiboi 2 Devlog #1