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You just accepted a job doing nighttime maintenance on a university clock tower, and tonight is your first night on the job. Your boss is the mysterious tower keeper, who prefers to leave you instructions by letter and spends most of his time in his private laboratory at the complex. The tower complex is loaded with strange experiments done by university researchers, some of which you may have to use to complete your tasks for the night. As you continue your work, you delve deeper into the mysteries of this place until you begin to question the very nature of the reality around you.

Update: Version 0.0.4 is now live.

Recommended minimum specs: Windows 7 or newer, 2.4GHz Processor, 4GB RAM, 1GB Disk Space , GTX 750 or better GPU

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

It has definitely spotted you.

#unrealengine #adventure #horror

Upgrading the main menu screen.

Sparking bucket bomb: one of the few truly new things I've been able to add in months.

Update: After some down time, I am just about back to where I was before an unexpected crash wiped out a large chunk of the game. Still working on it, hopefully with some real progress coming soon.

Major Update: I recently lost a lot of save data in the project, which is a setback. I have also just moved, delaying me even further. Fortunately, I was able to export the newest package before the crash, which is up now. Currently rebuilding the game

Mood lighting is being overhauled. Which version looks better?

Some fancier architecture and objects to fill out the interior of the complex.

Here is a wireframe profile of the entire level so far. Exterior is almost done, and starting to fill out the interior with individual rooms, lighting, and puzzles.