
Comments (164)

What do you think?

A real thinkpiece, this one. It's got a wonderful artistic air to it, and a huge intertwining story buried beneath the surface waiting to jump up and throttle us until we understand!

Ahem, let me backtrack a little. I came across this game thanks to an homage to it called Door 12 that was created by a dev called Red Phantom. That game led me here, and here I am.

I still need to play The Hidden Fragmentation, and believe me it is on my list, mainly because this experience was so... different. The puzzle elements mixed with the interactions with other characters created a wonderful atmosphere and I was genuinely saddened to get to the end of the demo.

I highly encourage anyone with a love for the slightly surreal and oddly ominous to download this mini masterpiece posthaste! And I shall see you all in the Fragmentation!

Keep up the effortlessly effervescent work, Máté =)

Okay so I did something.

The Ambient soundtrack really sounded something that was reversed. So I took the file, reversed it, sped it up, raised the tone and tempo, and wooo, it's a variant of the radio song!

This was fun. I am curious if there are multiple endings so I may have to play it a bit more or at least watch some other people play it.

I am also pretty intrigued by what's actually going on here. Looking forward to the full game!

Very interesting, I want to know more!

That was amazing...


"Have you ever really tried to escape from here? This place feels like a strange prison and it actually is, believe me. There must be an exit somewhere..."

Through The Fragmentation is a first person adventure game focusing on immersion and exploration, following the path of my previous game, The Hidden Fragmentation. You can talk to the many strange inhabitants of the City, discover hidden areas and secrets, or just try to unfold the mystery of the Fragmentation - it's up to you.

• Explore an immersive 3D world full of hidden areas and little secrets.

• Meet the strange habitants of the City and get to know their stories.

• Experience all the different endings and unfold the mystery of the Fragmentation.

• Grab your headhpones and enjoy the detailed, atmospheric soundscapes.

• Unlock the many hidden achievements.


#adventure #altgame #scifi #firstperson

Animated Bloodshed
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Crass Humor

I finally finished the trailer of the game! Huh, that was a challenge, since my computer is a bit slow for handling full hd video editing. But anyway, enjoy... and stay tuned!


Sounds of the Void. Scene from the upcoming version of Through The Fragmentation.


When you're working with graphics relying almost entirely on simple flat colors and color gradients, it's quite important to know if players with any type of color blindness will still be able to play your game.


A WIP non-euclidean space in the Fragmentation level of Through The Fragmentation.

𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘳...

If you want to find out what this bot is capable of, feel free to join the server!

Through The Fragmentation was originally a cross-platform point and click adventure game with multiple dialog options and tons of lore to explore.

The main reason I switched back to first person was I felt the third person perspective very limited.

Me and the testing team be like


A few screenshots from the upcoming update of Through The Fragmentation.

A couple of thoughts and a few new screenshots from the upcoming update


I haven't mentioned this, but an intensive testing is going on with an enthusiastic (and quite motivating) team on my Discord server! The current build is not the final version candidate, but it's pretty close.